Tuesday, November 29, 2016

December Reflections

As we enter December and the holiday season I am always reminded of my 6th grade math teacher Mr. Ragland. Mr. Ragland was the type of teacher who could change your life with a simple smile or word of encouragement. I remember leaving his class every day, he would stand at the door and say the same thing to each student as they left – have a good day and do good. On the last day of school Mr. Ragland asked the class why he always said do good, not be good. He went on to explain that by doing good you can impact the world in which you live, you can build someone up, you can provide comfort to those in need, and that by doing good your reward would be a tremendous amounts of joy. Mr. Ragland exemplified what it meant to care about his students beyond the classroom environment, and taught all of his students the invaluable lesson of kindness.
Throughout the days when I walk through Hutchings I see so many people doing good, I see at our school so many Mr. Ragland’s. I see teachers going above and beyond for their students, I see parent volunteers working in classrooms and the hallways. I see students welcoming other students and adults to the building; as well as, helping each other out with the problems they encounter during the day. Our lunch staff, custodial staff, office staff, and para professional staff work diligently to create and support students throughout the day so that the students know everyone at Hutchings cares for them deeply.
At Hutchings I try to root all of my decisions into doing good for the students. Our staff models doing going for the students and create environments that allow for students to do good for others. Part of the Hutchings vision is to extend what is learned inside the classroom to the outside world so I challenge families to have the conversation about how, as a family, they can do good in the world and impact their home or community.
  I hope this time of the year is a pleasant time for you and your family, I know at Hutchings teachers and students alike truly enjoy the community aspects that come with this time of the year and look forward to celebrating all that we have learned so far this year.

All the best,

Mr. Moore

Testing Poem

The testing season has arrived for our kids this year A time where acronyms and data points fill up the space between our ears T he test...